Tadi masa tengah rehat-rehat, maklumlah kelas hari ni sampai pukul 12 je. Tiba-tiba BB pun berbunyi-bunyi. Wahhh dramatik gila aku ni. Dengan penuh pengharapan kot2 ketua praktikum mesej kata esok kelas tak de ke. Mana lah tahu kan. Hahaha. Aku pun buka lah mesej tu. Then ini yang keluar.
Ha??? Bila pulak aku apply ni? Sambil berkerut-kerut dahi cuba ingat balik. Aku ada apply ke? Seingat aku aku apply masa aku habis SPM hari tu. Tu pun dua tahun yang lepas macam tu. Rezeki kowt. Lantas aku mencapai lappy aku yang tak berapa jauh dari meja, aku pun search lah link yang diberi tu.
Eh, betullah aku dapat Politeknik. Dekat Melaka pulak tu. Macam dekat. Tapi kos kejuruteraan awam? Perghhh aku dah la fail bab2 teknikal ni.
Bab Teknikal
Seriously aku memang tak suka bab2 teknikal. Contohnya masa tingkatan 3, kerja kursus Kemahiran Hidup, yang dok sambung2 wayar bagi mentol menyala tu. Tah berapa puluh kali aku patri bende tu. At last, tak boleh guna. Hahaha. Lepas tu kerja kayu. Masa tu kitorang kene buat rak untuk pensil buku2 macam u. Kecik je bende nye kene buat ikut kreativiti masing-masinglah kan. Itu pun senget-benget paku tu aku ketuk.Tak suka keje-keje cam gitu!
Selangkah lagi ke Degree
Aku dekat kolej ni boleh dikatakan selangkah je lagi nak masuk U untuk sambung degree. Haruskah aku berpatah balik ambil Diploma? The main problem is.. aku rasa tak berapa yakin dengan result keseluruhan (PNGK) yang bakal aku terima bulan empat nanti. Layakkah aku sambung degree. Walaupun result aku so far tak de lah teruk bebeno, tapi just cukup-cukup makan gitu. Arghhhhh!!!!! Konpius!!!
Kekawan ce bagi pendapat korang kat sini
Kekawan ce bagi pendapat korang kat sini
terus ke degree kalau rasa pngk tu ok. kalau tak, korbankan masa untuk masa depan yang lebih terjamin.
In my opinioin, if u want to further ur studies in science course in degree, u must achieved at least PNGK 3.00. For better course.Act, what course u want to apply? Can u tell me? I'll try to help more details.
For the Dip offer, its a good course. But u have waste ur time for 1 year to be in ur place now. Simply like u reverse back for uncertain purposes.
This is only my opinion, Im not a God, but u can communicate with Allah by Doa and Istihkharah. I just able to give an opinion. TQ :)
kalau rasa pengajian sekarang anda lebih menyukai, baik teruskan dan usaha daptkn pngk yang bagus,, sebab rugi masa anda berpatah balik,, teruskan perjuangan sebaiknya
ammelia yusoff & beloGIsam >>> thanks for ur opinion
Anonymous>>> my main target is want to further my study in education course. But I know its quite difficult to hve place in that course nowadays. I know I will waste my time to reverse back to dip. But I just afraid that I can't get place in Uni for degree
Oh I see. For education course, I don't know the exact pointer to achieve. But, u can refer in Internet. Its quite tough.
1. Ujian Medsi.
2. Interview. Ya, interview. Everyone hate it.
Its ok. Don't be afraid dear. U can do it! Just Doa to Allah. Be confident.
Oh I see. For education course, I don't know the exact pointer to achieve. But, u can refer in Internet. Its quite tough.
1. Ujian Medsi.
2. Interview. Ya, interview. Everyone hate it.
Its ok. Don't be afraid dear. U can do it! Just Doa to Allah. Be confident.
ooo oke...thanks for da info... but I still blur whether wanna stay here or take the biggest step in my life which is return back to dip. Btw, thank you vry much for ur opinion n ur info :)
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